Saatchi & Saatchi shoots T-Mobile's viral ad campaign with covert SI-2K(Albany, NY – January 29, 2009) Satchi & Statchi created “Dance”, a three-minute guerrilla-style spot for T-Mobile UK where 350 dancers spontaneously took over Liverpool Street Station in London to the joy and glee of all involved. The interesting part is that the spot, filmed entirely with hidden cameras, primarily Si-2K Minis, was shot on January 15th and aired on the 17th, just 48 hours after the filming began. That day It become #1 Viral Video to hit the internet! With the dancers and hidden throughout the station’s rush hour crowds, the dance spectacular was filmed and aired on Channel 4 as an exclusive three minute solo spot during Celebrity Big Brother. Reminiscing flash mobs, music pumped through loudspeakers at Liverpool Street Station as a single dancer guised as a commuter began to dance. With the change of music, the dancing quickly spread through to other dancers mixed in with the morning travellers until hundreds of people were seen moving in unison. Then, as quickly as it began, the performance ended and the dancers dispersed into the crowd. The event, choreographed by one of Britain’s leading choreographers, Ashley Wallen, left commuters stunned, surprised and delighted. “The idea was to create a feeling of spontaneity – an event so memorable that people can’t help but join in and share it,” said Saatchi & Saatchi Creative Partner Paul Silburn. A massive endeavour, the dance spot was staged, shot, edited and broadcast for the next day. The event follows months of preparation including auditioning T-Mobile staff to join the dance corps, secret midnight rehearsals in freezing conditions, numerous meetings with Network Rail and negotiating the rights for eight classic music tracks. ‘Life’s for Sharing’ will run across interactive TV and air in cinemas. T-Mobile also created a dedicated 'Life's for Sharing' campaign YouTube channel for users to upload videos and view humorous clips featuring celebrities being taught how to do the T-Mobile dance by dancer and choreographer Bryony Albert. See the video now in our online video gallery
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