Sony Pictures Film Noir Thriller "Dark Country" Takes 3D Cinematography to New Levels using Silicon Imaging SI-2K Digital Cinema CamerasActor/Director Thomas Jane and Director of Photography Geoff Boyle immerse audiences in a visceral 3D world using the Silicon Imaging SI-2K camera system. (Las Vegas, NV – April 8, 2008) 3D cinematography has always held the potential for delivering to audiences a more realistic, immersive, story-telling experience, yet it's a promise that has been largely unfulfilled due to the visually-restrained stylistic choices dictated by the physical reality of dual-camera 3D rigs, whose immense physical size and weight often limit the creative direction of each and every shot. These same restrictions and challenges were faced by the the creators of the film noir thriller "Dark Country", but through the use of highly mobile 3D Steadicam-based rigs made possible with the Silicon Imaging SI-2K camera system, new possibilities have been created that open the door to a dynamic story-telling style, erasing the visual boundaries of 3D cinematography as it transforms the medium into its full immersive potential. Thomas Jane and Geoff Boyle had been exposed to Silicon Imaging's camera technology during their recent Sci-Fi action feature film "Mutant Chronicles" and were already keen on shooting with SI-2K. Sony Pictures hired 3D specialists, Max Penner and Tim Thomas of ParadiseFX to help bring the feature to life. They had just completed developing a 9-camera 360-degree rig using the Silicon Imaging cameras and were able to design a stereo beam splitter rig into a MK-V-AR Steadicam with variable interocular control and another rig with fixed interocular for hand-held shooting. The Steadicam-AR rig was used to perform dynamic tracking shots with auto-leveling, moving the cameras from a high mode of 8-feet to ground level in one second. “The physical size of the Silicon Imaging 3D rigs completely redefine the scope and potential of 3D cinematography," says Director of Photography Geoff Boyle. "For instance, the variable interocular rig on our MK-V-AR Steadicam weighed approximately 10lbs, and our fixed interocular version came in at a feather-light 3lbs. While most of shots had the cameras mounted in the Steadicam rig, there's really no limit to where you can mount these things. Our camera mounts are only part of the story though; where the true revolution lies is that we've now been given a visual language and stylistic choices that nobody has ever seen in a 3D movie before. Had we utilized any other camera system, there would have been nothing new to see – it would have looked like any other 3D film shot in the past 50 years in terms of the physical restraints of how or when we could move the camera. To bring a thriller car-chase movie like 'Dark Country' to life, we simply couldn't make those compromises." "'Dark Country' is a film that I wanted to express in a manner that remains true to the stylistic choices of film noir, while delivering an immersive reality and visceral experience that only the next generation of 3D cinematography could provide," says "Dark Country" Actor/Director Thomas Jane. "Every medium brings a life of it's own to the story-telling process, and with 'Dark Country', I wanted audiences to be there, to be in the car with the characters, and make the story their own with a heightened sense of physical contact never experienced before. The mobility and physical expression in each shot we were able to achieve with the Silicon Imaging camera rigs truly transformed my personal vision into a living and breathing visual reality." Taking it to the Next Level
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